
Thursday 9 May 2019

My Mum

My Mum is tall and has blond hair. She smells like lunch and tea because she is always busy making food for us. My Mum sounds happy she  is a fun person the only time she stops being fun is when she punishes me and takes away my technology. She has a big smile and a friendly caring personality.  She has the patience of a saint because she takes awesome care of my Dad and us 4 boys even when we do our best to drive us crazy. She does cool things for my school and friends like organise games and bring in Pizza for everyone.  She works hard at home and in her job and buys me books and video games. I hit the jackpot in getting my mum as my mum!

Monday 6 May 2019

Character Descriptions

Trevor is a sausage dog. He smells like a sausage. He is a long dog. He is a red dog like a sausage.

Sausages are his favourite food. He is kind. He like’s playing with Pig. He is passionate.

Pig get’s annoyed because Trevor ignores him. People wish they could be more like Trevor. Pig hates Trevor. Trevor is a helpful dog and Pig uses him.

Trevor - he’s tidy. He make’s people feel good. He’s good. He cleans his room.